[Post archived from the 2018 Math Minds Summit]
Do you wish more students were able to join mathematical conversations and make better sense of mathematical tasks?
Come engage in tasks that allow students of all math abilities to join classroom conversations and make sense of the math. I will share classroom tested routines and lesson design principles you can implement immediately.
Andrew Stadel has been a Math Instructional Coach for Tustin Unified School District in California since 2014. Having taught secondary math for over ten years, he believes estimation is one key to building number sense. On his widely-acclaimed website, Estimation 180, Andrew offers teachers free estimation challenges, lessons, and readymade resources to use with their students.
Andrew also shares his passion for student thinking, problem-solving, and lesson design when presenting at national conferences or consulting with school districts and teachers across the country.
Each day of the school year I present my students with an estimation challenge. I love helping students improve both their number sense and problem solving skills. I’d like to share the estimation challenges with you and your students.
- Click here to visit Andrew Stadel’s “Estimation 180” website.
- Click here to download a handout you can use with students!
Happy Estimating!