About Child & Family Services

MLTC Child and Family Services

Meadow Lake Tribal Council Child and Family Services Inc. serves nine First Nations -Ministikwan Lake Cree Nation, Makwa Sahgaichan First Nation, Flying Dust First Nation, Canoe Lake Cree Nation, English River First Nation, Buffalo River Dene Nation, Birch Narrows Dene Nation and Clearwater River Dene Nation.

MLTC CFS signed its first agreement on December 14, 1993 and is required to follow provincial standards for service delivery outlined Saskatchewan Child and Family Services Act, and in both the Child Protection and Children Services Manual. MLTC is one of 19 delegated First Nation agencies in Saskatchewan (FNCFS).

Currently, MLTC CFS, along with other delegated agencies, follow procedures and processes that are based on the Ministry of Social Services provincial policies. These policies are however inconsistent in representing the unique traditions, customs and existing needs of the member First Nations and communities.

Child and Family Services is committed to leading with a Prevention first module, as well as utilizing the resources within the communities to create safety and wellbeing of child, parent, family.


Bill C-92, an act representing First Nations, Inuit and Metis children, youth and families affirms and recognizes First Nation jurisdiction and inherent treaty right to preside over their own child and family service. Bill C-92 stems from a 2007 discrimination lawsuit against Canada. In 2019, C-92 became law, and in 2020, the act and its provisions came into effect. MLTC is elected as an IGB (Indigenous Governing Body) by MLFNs, to represent seven out of the nine First Nation communities, who opted in as a collective. MLTC receives direction from the seven Chiefs and IGB Board, and continues to work diligently towards exercising full jurisdiction over child and family services. With Bill C-92, the seven First Nations and its membership, will define what they see as the best interest of the child, ensuring culture and traditional customs are at the core of all CFS programming and service delivery. The seven collective First Nation communities are BNDN, BRDN, CLCFN, CRFN, FDFN, MLCN, MSFN.  Goal: zero children in care.

AIP (Agreement in Principle)

AIP now a final settlement of $43 billion dollars, as of April 2023, came into effect on April 1, 2022. AIP also emerged out of the CHRT ruling that ruled in favour of the 2007 suit against Canada for discriminatory practices. AIP appropriately highlights that children should not come into care based on socio-economic factors, and that First Nation communities understand their own needs better than the Government; therefore, should be given predictable funding to develop, build, and advance their own community resources, for their own members. AIP directs funding that would have ordinarily streamed to CFS, directly to the First Nation communities to develop/ strengthen a Prevention First model. Funding formula incudes $2500 x FN population, and funding to operate Post Majority Care for youths formerly in care for the next 5 years. AIP holds the government accountable in its funding provisions, to ensure funding is sustainable and will produce the overarching goal of CFS long term reform.

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    +1 (306) 236-3633